Customer video testimonials are an excellent way to boost sales and build customer trust. They are like written reviews, but better. Why? Because they are more authentic, engaging and persuasive than written words. Creating high-quality, effective video testimonials can help build trust because your audience feels like they are listening to the advice of a friend.

In this article, we’ll explain what customer video testimonials are, why they are compelling and give you some best practices for creating them. We’ll also give you tips on choosing the best clients or customers to interview, convincing them to participate and asking the right questions.

What Are Customer Video Testimonials?

Customer video testimonials are videos where happy customers share their positive experiences with your product or service. They usually discuss how your product or service solved their problem, improved their situation, or enhanced their lives. They often include your customers talking about why they chose your brand over others and what they like about it. It’s not a scripted commercial with professional actors or a boring testimonial page. It’s a real-life story showcasing your offer’s benefits and value.

Customer in front of camera giving customer testimonial

Why Are Video Testimonials Effective?

Customer video testimonials are effective because they leverage the power of social proof. Social proof is people’s tendency to trust others’ decisions and opinions, especially when they are uncertain or unfamiliar with something. People trust other people more than they trust ads or sales pitches.

Customer video testimonials differ from written testimonials because they are more authentic, engaging and convincing. They show real people with real emotions and real stories. They may also show your product or service in action, which can help potential customers visualize how it works and how it can benefit them.

A good customer testimonial video can also trigger an emotional response in your prospects, increasing the chance they’ll buy your product or service by making them feel more confident, curious, inspired, or motivated to take action.

What Makes a Good Customer Testimonial Video?

When it comes to influencing a potential customer’s purchasing decision, a video testimonial must be more than just a simple case study praising your product or service. It needs to be a compelling and truthful narrative that strikes a chord emotionally and relates to the viewer. The best way to achieve this is by presenting an authentic testimonial from a satisfied customer who has experienced the benefits of your product or service. The testimonial should openly discuss the customer’s situation, how they found your solution, and how your product or service positively impacted their life or business. The more personal and detailed the testimonial, the more appealing it will be to potential customers.

A good video testimonial should also have a proper structure, with an attention-grabbing introduction, an engaging story in the middle and a solid conclusion. Consider working with a high-quality video production company to help create a high-converting customer testimonial that tugs at your viewers’ heartstrings.

Key Takeaway

What are customer video testimonials, and why are they effective?
Customer video testimonials are short, authentic, and engaging videos that show happy customers sharing their positive experiences with your product or service to build trust and boost sales.

How To Create Great Customer Video Testimonials

Step #1: Choose The Right Customers To Interview

You want to start by finding customers who have had a positive experience with your product or service, represent your target audience or buyer persona and are comfortable sharing their story on camera. Start by asking your existing customers via surveys, emails, or social media. You can also reach out to people who have left positive customer reviews or testimonials on other platforms.

Step #2: Ask Customers To Participate

Some customers might be hesitant to appear on camera or share their personal stories. You can overcome their objections by explaining the benefits of participating in your video testimonials, such as getting exposure for their own brand or helping others who might benefit from your product or service. You can also assure them that the process will be easy and convenient for them by offering flexible scheduling options and clear instructions and guidelines. If they are still unsure, send them a list of questions ahead of time so that they can prepare for their interview.

It is important to note that you should not offer them any incentive for this review due to legal reasons. It may seem nice to provide them with something in exchange for their time, but incentivizing has to be disclosed to your audience and will make your review seem less genuine.

Step #3: Prepare Questions to Ask Your Customers

The final step to creating customer video testimonials is to prepare a list of questions for your video interviews. You want to ask questions that:

  • Are open-ended to elicit detailed and relevant answers
  • Focus on the customer’s story, not your product or service
  • Highlight the customer’s pain points, challenges, goals and solutions
  • Showcase the customer’s results, outcomes, or benefits from using your product or service
  • Include specific examples, numbers, or facts that support the customer’s claims

The following are some good questions to ask your customers during their video testimonial:

  • Ask them to introduce themselves in 1-2 sentences to start.
  • What problem were you facing before using our product/service?
  • How did you find out about our product/service?
  • What made our company or product stand out from the rest?
  • How did our product/service help you solve your problem?
  • What results did you achieve with our product/service?
  • What has made you most satisfied with our company?
  • Would you recommend our product/service to others? Why?

How To Promote Your Client Testimonial Video

Customer video testimonials can be a powerful marketing tool for boosting your brand’s credibility, so promoting them once they’ve been produced is important. Add testimonials to your website to encourage visitors to watch and explore your products or services. A dedicated testimonial section on your website showcasing multiple satisfied customers and their positive experiences can also be highly influential in swaying potential customers. YouTube is another powerful platform to reach an audience. Post customer testimonials to your company’s YouTube channel, include appropriate keywords and add subtitles to expand your reach. You can even add snippets of these videos on your website in strategic locations, directing viewers to the full testimonial on YouTube.

Key Takeaway

How to create customer video testimonials?
To create an effective customer video testimonial, it’s important to choose the right customers, convince them to participate and prepare a list of open-ended questions focusing on their story and the benefits of your product or service.

Creating video testimonials is one of the most powerful ways to build trust with your prospects and helps showcase the value of your product or service. They are more authentic, engaging and persuasive than written reviews and can help your prospects feel confident buying from you.

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