Video content has become the ruler of today’s fast-paced world. However, deciding on the right storytelling approach for your video marketing strategy can be challenging. In this article, we’ll explore the strengths and weaknesses of five popular video styles and show you examples of each. Whether you’re looking to connect with your audience on an emotional level or convey complex information, there is a video style that will suit your needs.

Docu-Style Videos

A docu-style video, also known as a documentary-style video, uses storytelling techniques commonly used in documentaries to convey your message. Instead of scripted dialogue and narration, which you might see in a video ad, these videos use real-life situations and personal interviews to offer a more authentic and engaging experience. Docu-style videos can educate, inform, raise awareness, or subtly and emotionally promote a brand or product. Whether it’s for corporate communication, a brand campaign, or a social cause, the strength of a docu-style video lies in its ability to capture reality in a compelling and thought-provoking way.

Docu-Style Video Pros and Cons

  • Docu-style videos typically feature real people and stories, which can help to build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Docu-style videos can be used for a variety of purposes, such as promoting your product or service, raising awareness about a cause, or sharing your brand’s values and mission.
  • Creating a docu-style video can require significant time and resources when conducting and editing lengthy interviews.
  • Unlike scripted videos, where every aspect of the production can be carefully planned and controlled, docu-style videos offer less control over the final product. This can make achieving a specific outcome or conveying a particular message more difficult.

Docu-Style Video Example

Voiceover Videos

Voiceover videos use a narrator’s voice to communicate information or tell a story. These videos include visuals accompanied by a voiceover track, where the narrator speaks over the footage to provide further context, clarify concepts, or guide the viewer through the content. They are a popular choice for brands that need to convey complex ideas or information in an engaging and approachable way.

Voiceover Video Pros and Cons

  • Voiceover narration can help convey complex information or ideas clearly, making it easier for the audience to understand and retain the message.
  • A voiceover can help to reinforce your brand’s identity by using a consistent tone of voice and style.
  • Finding the right voice actor to represent your brand may be difficult.
  • Depending on the content, using a voiceover can sometimes be less authentic or personal than featuring real people on camera.

Voiceover Video Example

Typography Videos

Typography videos use animated text to convey a message or tell a story. In these videos, the text is the primary visual element and is animated in various ways to create an exciting and lively viewing experience. This style is excellent for explainer-style videos, especially when viewers are watching but not listening to the content.

Typography Video Pros and Cons

  • Animated text can help convey simple messages, making it easier for the audience to understand and retain the content.
  • Typography videos can reinforce your brand’s visual identity by using consistent fonts, colors and other design elements.
  • Typography videos may not be suitable for all types of content or messages. For example, they may not be the best choice for conveying complex or detailed information.
  • Creating a typography video can be time-consuming and may require the services of a professional designer or animator.

Typography Video Example

Narrative Videos

Narrative videos tell a story, often with a beginning, middle and end. These videos often rely on a cast of characters and a predetermined script to convey a message in a compelling and engaging way. They’re a popular choice for brands who want to connect with their audience on an emotional level and leave a lasting impression.

Narrative Video Pros and Cons

  • A well-told story can be more memorable than a straightforward presentation of information, making it more likely that the audience will remember your brand and message.

  • A narrative video can help differentiate your brand from competitors by cutting through the clutter.
  • Creating a high-quality narrative video can be time-consuming and expensive.

  • If not done well, a narrative video can come across as inauthentic or manipulative, which could harm your brand’s image.

Narrative Video Example

Sizzle Reel Videos

Sizzle Reel videos, also known as Highlight Videos or Demo Reels, use short video clips pieced together with an underlying music track. This style takes a minimalist approach, utilizing clips to showcase your product, service or event in a highly stylized manner with quick edits/cuts.

Sizzle Reel Pros and Cons

  • A sizzle reel can effectively grab the viewer’s attention and generate excitement about your brand.
  • Sizzle reels are good at summarizing and highlighting the features of your product or service.
  • Sizzle reels are not the best option for conveying more complex messages.
  • Sizzle reels are less likely to create a lasting emotional connection with your audience.

Sizzle Reel Video Example

Key Takeaway

What are the main styles of marketing videos?
The main styles of marketing videos are docu-style, voiceover, typography, narrative and sizzle reel. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to carefully consider which one is right for your brand and message.

Mixing several styles is okay if you’re having trouble deciding on just one. For example, you can combine narrative elements with a voiceover to drive your story or a docu-style video with animated typography. Just remember – this is your story to tell. While one style may have more impact or drive better conversion, staying authentic to your brand when experimenting is essential.

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Are you ready to start creating professional video marketing content that attracts, converts and delights your audience? We’ve developed a complete guide to video production that walks you through the entire process, from creating a winning video marketing strategy to producing engaging video content to analyzing the results!